Rosie – Our goal of bringing content to YouTube is two fold. Obviously, bringing more customers to our door by gaining visibility on another social media platform is always a win for our business. This is accomplished by our full build videos. They provide a sit back, enjoy the music and see us build one of our custom hand made bass guitars. Our other goal is to provide a resource for other builders/repair techs in our repairs and modification videos. We freely want to share all our skills and techniques we have accumulated over the years to fix stringed instruments. There is nothing more frustrating on wanting to improve an instrument but not knowing how or where to start. We are solidly in the mind of sharing any knowledge with all our fellow techs.
We hope our videos appeal to a wide range of audience viewers. We are ever so slowly learning video editing so bear with us. Be sure to keep an eye out for the shop kitty. He loves to make surprise appearances. Below is the link to our channel and please consider subscribing. We greatly appreciate the support and encouragement.